Andover Estate
Holloway | Islington Council | Under Construction
Studio Partington’s master plan for the Andover Estate, the largest public housing estate in London Borough of Islington, employs critical public realm improvements to integrate new homes into the local area. This scheme—providing new social and private housing—involves phased improvements to existing public open spaces and connecting walking routes, as well as better paving, lighting and landscaping.
The strategic planning application, which was referred to the Mayor, was approved in November 2017. Co-design and a programme of extensive community consultation led to only 16 objections, when more than 2,600 letters were sent out to every person living on the estate outlining the plans.
The hybrid application involves outline consent for estate-wide public realm improvements, new buildings up to six storeys to provide a total of 199 new homes and 5000 sqm affordable workspace; plus detailed consent for a first phase of new landscaping and children’s play facilities, 64 homes, including the conversion of existing garages, and affordable workspace.
“The Andover Estate regeneration project will provide genuinely affordable housing that is desperately needed in Islington.”
National Urban Design Awards 2019 ‘Practice Project’ winner
NLA Public Housing: a London renaissance 2019
NLA Awards 2018 ‘Masterplan & Area Strategies’ winner, see more here.
Shortlisted Housing Design Awards 2018
Finalist Inside Housing Development Awards 2018 ‘Best Affordable Housing’ and ‘Best Regeneration’
Shortlisted Planning Awards 2018 ‘Planning Permission of the Year’
NLA Public Housing: a London renaissance 2019
Strategic Planning Application approved November 2017
“Everyone is quite positive about it. There’s a few that don’t like it but there always is. Me personally, and my neighbours, like what they are doing.
We didn’t at first, but there have been changes. They’ve put in the things we wanted like green spaces and play areas.”