award winning architects


SP Mentoring Schemes

In addition to providing legacy social value through our approach to the built environment, Studio Partington is also actively involved in providing social value on a more individual scale.

As part of the practice’s ongoing outreach programme, Studio Partington is providing 5 University of East London students an insight into what life in practice is like. Under the RIBA Future Architects student mentoring scheme, Suzanne, Alice and Joanna will provide the students support in reflecting on their goals and direction, as well as, the chance to gain advice and guidance on any future employment.

Alongside this, Alice is currently involved in the Blueprint For All - Building Futures programme, where she mentors a Part 1 architectural graduate and focuses on guiding them through their work placement application. The programme promotes opportunities and support to young adults aged 17+ of diverse and underrepresented ethnic heritage, who’s either considering a career, studying or working in Architecture.

Joanna is also providing support for one young person through the Arts Emergency mentoring programme. Arts Emergency believe that in order for our society to be fair and kind, every young person should have the chance to contribute to the culture they live in. The award-winning charity aim to provide support to the young people who need it most by offering high quality opportunities and experiences in the cultural industries.

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